Timex/sinclair 2068


Released in 1984, the Timex 2068 Technical Manual describes the hardware and operating system for the Timex/Sinclair Computer. This is a reprint of the original manual, scanned at high resolution and cleaned.


By David Anderson. This disassembly shows how Timex programmers changed the ZX Spectrum source code to support the new features and planned expansions. 443 pages.


By Sharon Zardetto Acker. Designed for beginning and intermediate BASIC programmers, this book offers a collection of tips and techniques that contribute to easier and better programming. 227 pages.


50 programs for the Timex Sinclair 2068. By Roger Valentine. 118 pages.


Leads you step-by-step through all the 2068’s color, sound and graphics possibilities. By Tim Hartnell. 179 pages.


By Nick Hampshire 192 pages.


A collection of programs, each with a detailed breakdown of exactly what happens when and how it’s all achieved. Edited by Phillip Williams. 164 pages.

Timex/Sinclair 1000/1500 and ZX81


96 pages. Original manual for the ROM-based software for the TS1000/ZX81.


Douglas Hergert. 159 pages.


Published by E. Arthur Brown Company, this guide includes nearly all products available for the Timex/Sinclair 1000 at the time. 90 pages.


The book you spent hours with, learning how to use your Timex/Sinclair 1000.

ZX Spectrum


A collection of programs, each with a detailed breakdown of exactly what happens when and how it’s all achieved. Edited by Phillip Williams. 164 pages.


Ian Logan gives a complete overview of the way the Spectrum operates, both for BASIC and machine language programming, including numerous demonstration programs. A special section of the ROM will give you insight into the Spectrum and provide you with information on how to use many of the routines present in the ROM in your [...]