Showing all 17 results


Plug-in replacement ROM for Sinclair Basic. Redefines hardware and transforms it into an assembly language programming unit. ROM appears at 3000h-4000h. Offers: Full-screen editor: 16 shift keys give a word processor feel to control programming. Multi-file system: declare as many files as you want and they are handled by the operating system. Total assembler: Full [...]


One of the first homegrown RAM modules made in the US for the ZX81. Byte-Back went on to produce all kinds of other accessories for the Timex/Sinclair computers.


The official adaptation of the arcade game to the Timex/Sinclair 1000. Shrinkwrapped.


The big kahuna of RAM for your Sinclair ZX81/TS1000. Available with white shipping box or without. Both include the manual.


Published by E. Arthur Brown Company, this guide includes nearly all products available for the Timex/Sinclair 1000 at the time. 90 pages.


The book you spent hours with, learning how to use your Timex/Sinclair 1000.


A single, lonely 16K RAM pack, just waiting to be matched up with a ZX81 or, even better, a Timex/Sinclair 1000.


There’s not much to say about these boards. Maybe you could mine them for the 8251 on board or find a use for the old RS-232 line driver?


96 pages. Original manual for the ROM-based software for the TS1000/ZX81.

It’s a 2040 printer, no power supply. Those dark spots where the zeros should be in 2040? I’m pretty sure they’re LEDs. Not sure why you’d need one, much less two LEDs on a 2040, but there you go.